Slow cooker Sam is what Tim calls me 😂
What energises you at work?
Everything about work energizes me there’s just something about being out on the open water and diving it’s pretty magical out there
What’s the biggest misconception people have about your job?
The biggest misconception is that it’s all sunshine and rainbows out on the water it can get a bit spicy every now and again but it’s the best job I’ve ever had and wouldn’t change it for the world
What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?
On the weekend you will find me hanging out with the boys sinking a few tins having a fire and a bbq down at the beach or a bit of crabbing and fishing
Favourite coral and why?
I love morphs just something about how many different colours, shapes and sizes there are and how they are all unique I think is pretty cool
What do you love about the job?
I love everything about the job, the scenery you see around is something to behold above and below the water no dive is the same and all the cool little interactions you have with animals really makes this job just something else and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else